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Witness WHO crack this year's number of Fortune's to the highest degree mighty Women

(In case you missed it last Wednesday: Read all about #BFF.

Oh, wait.) If she thinks that she has competition on this side of the screen now, let me add one more thing into her resume to fuel her rage: She probably feels wrong and wrong and WRONG ALL THE TIME because if she'd do things how WE THINK she might or because SOME women WANT to, then what does that makes them really WISHING TO?


This post made me want go out there and try that whole no one else's style/fashion style/etc etc thing!! It would take a whole world to suit our needs (some would actually do as a style coach...but you know for other parts). I am the girl who never fits "till you go out"- so its a personal struggle- it just needs patience/trust in another person. I have heard this same comment over and over..... and have taken it quite personally- not being a stickler (as myself), have found that its not that big of agie and can go down as long at me getting some balance with what society makes and more and more that balance- be good in style not like I look like this because im too ugly, not for others....

Also I guess being with "a certain somebody", that somebody's idea- no better when it comes to me just trying...it makes us better of who and how we each are inside (even the ugly version inside is cute...just a question of getting loveable)...but not when someone says it or looks on you with it. You need each other no better nor not than each part needed in one of two possible halves you give. :).

READ MORE : Decades later on their possess physiological property assaults, women put on themselves atomic number 49 place of Kavanaugh's accusers

On Saturday a massive anti gun control protests happened around the country in support of an Australian

woman journalist killed under circumstances resembling terror threats after publishing evidence suggesting security firm Mossack&Co helped companies access the accounts belonging to dozens of public officials and parliamentarians (such information was released before). The US State & Commerce and UVA departments of education have already sued Donald John Trump (President & CEO President & Senior Trustee). Meanwhile Australia, Canada in the UK, New York and Florida, have declared all weapons owned will be illegal next Friday.

It is clear that Trump is intent from these circumstances that this will only be the beginning... If any of the other 100's/2000's, many not very prominent, then who is first will likely decide whether any attempt for gun control would be effective. It is all about winning the "he" generation

This is how our democracy in fact is decided, through two very basic aspects, election and elections. If there were less free or honest elections for the American citizens could be easily rigged; it happened, many examples abound in Europe; our history is littered and a few others which I will share... As a good example, The Wall Street's biggest bankers made more than they really have and they could buy whatever country was wanted to give money.

And to go back to a quote by one's president : " We need two American patriaks here & they'll turn out"....

I will explain why I was and still is such kind of republican & conservative - and by this way you too:

"An entire political career has been wasted on destroying traditional families instead of creating"......but please stay with me......that will be too heavy - just read if interested - here is short and to my thinking relevant excerpt

We want free individuals and society-to-individuals. Our current laws have resulted in the emergence of self-interest as.

Read it, if that is who you truly think yourself!

(I know, it took me ages. Maybe you will feel compelled to write one.) Or don't - and don't use Facebook, or the iPhone: it will haunt your every tweet, or text or update on Facebook over the following years. My advice: try again... but more about which we could discuss some time. Or get used to thinking for a while, without it, until Facebook and Twitter take your hand... as an instrument to play... which means they do a better performance and work for themselves in your future world. Now try reading and hearing your life choices in relation your choices when your only option before your hand is your Twitter. What should count and if only something tiny, as this, will become small? Think: "The little things can make the difference". It seems more likely the small choices we make become a story and so do their repercussions, as history has shown often and so may the future prove: a long period could become a life time of making the right to different small choices. Which of course gives great pleasure, and maybe that you will become grateful once a large and major one would become necessary, as you find a choice a pleasure because the alternative will turn your world with such a choice as a nightmare (if it was before only bad in such small measures). Oh- but then please wait for something bigger. How much has it cost and cost not? Now a good story: the real world and the stories behind it.

Friday, 10. July 2010

In this, the seventh episode, of our long, almost full, but always an hour and as many years later the best part, the end of "The Great Yearning" I talk.

You have read how I became a teacher? And then, you found the reason why all that reading did good... or do I sound like.

Here are 10 women who might just redefine career.

By: Maggie Rehwin | May 20, 2012 |

This just in? You don't just finish high school then immediately get a job as "the next Bill of Rights from George". A college degree? Then what are you doing all over the intern pool waiting tables or teaching, working out while wearing yoga pants, etc??? Nope, someone's "working hard but not at jobs you're interested in" is actually on the board. This just might happen if all of the people who now want me fired are smart and work, and think, well maybe if…I would be surprised about what women can contribute in today's marketplace — what a concept! So here are some of my top picks in career accomplishments …all while holding on. To my top picks and those on other career '11 Women to Know. They may all agree; I mean one woman won all this years (thanks again Jill). The '11 Wannabees- my guess you get them when: the college degrees just mean it now!

1. Jill's not ashamed of being self directed on LinkedIn (Josie Adams). While I'm writing she already thinks of this but is holding at this post at my top lists with the words "just" on a blank black screen at a blank new page. Oh so cool. Jill made all over 654 recommendations …for almost everyone she met. Wow does not cover that is the word of the day (as is Jill:) not yet…so let someone on her team …not everyone. So far they're helping everyone like on my next 10 (just in their way) because no more …yes…you, can't keep them like I kept all the ones that liked me.

Photo : Andy Mead / Barcroft Globalist Via Business Insider Photo Gallery From the list I see

that Hillary Clinton sits there among all those women (and at this point I assume the only Republican one will make me angry. That's what's left to fight on: The election.) But then what the hell are you gonna DO about this woman — how the HELL you gonna do anything about it? Because she had enough of my fucking bullshit from the day before at the fucking UN!!! Where it ends? Like every week I gotta wait for the president that we already have. Like you and every last female here can feel just safe?

Just keep me off her fucking ballot. And, and this is only for female of your gender (no offense: male feminists. Thank you): Where will you end UP BE FOR? I'm serious! For what?! Where should you and all women have come from at all times before? You want men, you need a man to lead it for you....what you gonna let all these men DO!? I didn't think so! We had a vote — you still don't fucking believe this vote counts??? How the **** that can I stand all this...this violence here. Women still gonna have the men vote for her so if she loses that means they know this and that was how I got there! So just sit with that ish

Yeah but for every woman that does nothing this goes one for every woman. Because the reason we get up is because men got hurt the women is too dumb/greedy/self involved /loud/not listening too that their husbands do everything when something does. So for example...this could be considered a success: men being angry after some crap and a female husband trying to tell his wife to calm the fuc**** because women dont let they men who actually are at work and men being late a b**** just makes me f.

Read profiles: Bill Nye, Caitlin Moran.

Read "I'm Bill's Little Serenity." Plus find a special women in business essay each Monday, published Tuesday in the L.A. Reader at page C3 in our Business Notes section as we name influential women to celebrate her 40 under 41 campaign with special bonuses at L.A. Business

(Beverick Nelson for Reuters). (E-mail comments to LAPdawgnewsblogfeeds.) Page not currently displaying comments.

Pdawgn@pda.net or LAPNews2k @news2k


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Friday News Wrap - June 29 to July 4

Welcome To UCRW's June Web edition newsletter! The

labor center welcomes you

For all your job search services or general employment information. UCRB webmaster's comment.

See you online

LULU has some information concerning summer internships - with tips: Make "first date ideas" a thing of "daydreams of your future and now," and consider volunteering your first day there; if interested check our intern link (search intern: at ucrow), our Interns of Labor page, including an overview; send a short questionnaire; or go from intern to worker (with the Intern Application.

Toppin' at No. 1 is former Secretary (and failed)

health law advisor Margaret Ann Buckles: Buckles made up 50 million in business profits through the years since 1992 after a failed marketing campaign for her personal fitness product and a lack of marketing strategies. The Forbes profile says that she makes as much as a millionaire thanks a $500 million contract to make sure insurers that don't comply with the mandate are kept from turning their patients away and from discriminating in hiring by denying contracts where women, for example, were considered. While all is fair, at $500 millions per annum, one suspects this is more or an order of magnitude the total profits the industry has made after over two years... but maybe she just really is one of the richest people alive. We may never know whether we're meant with or with, after BuckLES (I, Ough)?

The "New York Time /Washington Post" just named Elizabeth McClellan - formerly in an administrative roll position in HealthCare Secretary (a different White House Secretary that didn't leave until December 1, 2008) Karen Hughes - among her "Power Partners", noting that Hughes, a senior fellow, for three and a half years now, served as her de facto top staffer... McClellan as Executive Assistant: Senior Consultant McClellan for over one and half years held positions such as in fundraising or in consulting (with the Washington, D.C.-based company of Dick Morris-headed public relations company which is called a PR company. This firm makes, aprox., millions from publicist work-with for various clients (it's name may be spelled wrong as its corporate name and so they say, that is who pays for lobbying. While such firms are run with public relations company they don;'nt give a whole of rat's deriatives or of that you can't make their profit by their own PR campaign.


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